Saturday, December 19, 2009

Stocking in a box!

Thanks to Mom and Pop for our awesome stocking-in-a-box! We were really going to miss our favorite thing to open up this Christmas...much to our surprise we got all this in the mail! Of course as a Deutsch tradition(one which will now become our tradition too), everything was individually wrapped. We love the little surprises inside each little present, and had to sample a few of them! Here are the bountiful contents we found inside:

Oops...yes, the pears were already gone when this pic was taken! They were so delicious!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Deck the Halls!

Christmas decorations 2009 (sorry for the blurry pics)
We made ornaments for the dogs one trip in Hilton was Christian the little artist! He did the one below for Addy...

Pic of the mantle with Father Christmas
Tree with mantle done
Best pic of tree, but no mantle yet

I hate that this is the only way we get to show our pretty decorations...I guess one day we'll have to host Christmas so everyone can see in person!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It's a...friends, family, and 1/2 marathon!

A few recent random pics...dinner at Pure with Gretchie and Shaun...what a fun time!

Scrapbooking trip to Archiver's w/ the girls...great company, great lunch at Mimi's Cafe, and scrapping to our hearts desires:)
So proud of Christian for finishing and doing so well running his first 1/2 marathon on Thanksgiving morning...he finished at his goal in under 2 hours...whew, good job honey!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's a...photoshoot!

Our sweet friend, Lindsey, took these of us. Isn't she so talented? I'm so excited to have these pics to document this time in our lives. What a fun time posing for a little photoshoot! We're going to miss Lindsey when she moves back to Seattle this week...

Monday, October 26, 2009

It's a...Fall trip!

What a great time we had visiting Lexington, KY with family! We got to do alot for three tasting, horse races, and pumpkin/apple picking. I was in heaven all weekend!

Picking apples together at Evans Orchard

A little kiss for my honey:)
Picking some Korean Giant yummy! My precious family Mom was so excited to pick apples..we got to pick and eat them right off the tree..this was how God meant it to be:)
Nava boys being troopers while the girls were doing our thing! I found my pumpkin!
I had never been to a pumpkin/apple picking farm..I was so excited to be there! I want a farm like this when I grow up:) What could be better than apples, pumpkins, cider, vineyards, and horses! I can dream, right?!
Wine tasting at Talon vineyard The family at Keeneland for horse racing And they're off!
I placed my one and only bet and my horse got second! Better than usual. Christian likes to tease me because the horse I usually pick always loses..oh well:)

Loved the trees...LOVE fall in KY! The family at our first wine tasting at Jean Farris...what a blast! What could be better than wine, cheese, and great company!