Monday, March 30, 2009

It's a...dazed med student...welcome to med school!

So recently, Christian and I were doing our typical morning routines trying to get out the door to work/school, and just before I leave, I look over to my sweet hubs to find him putting on his sweatshirt backwards!! So just a little pic to show you how crazy med school really can make you! Poor Christian!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's a...birthday!!!

Christian and I went to Hilton Head for the weekend of his 25th birthday...boy was it nice to be just the two of us hanging out and not worrying about work or school(Addy and Lexi were there too, of course)! It was a little chilly since it was still February, but one day we did get out on the beach in our suits cause it was 78 degrees! Crazy huh? Anyways, here are a few pics of our trip...

We rode bikes to our favorite breakfast place, Skillets, for C's birthday breakfast...yum!
Just some cool bamboo...

Christian's birthday dinner/Valentines's day celebration

Having fun together at the beach...the dogs fav place!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's a...bunch of Doctor Prom pics

Doctor Prom, a chance to forget about school for a bit and have dinner with friends, meet some people and shake our booties.

Outside the Old Medical College.

Christie's med school support system...the one and only Laura Russ

Looks like we are well dressed but in a prison... An illustration of how medical school feels

Here is the whole group at dinner. Calvert's, smells like your grandma's house but the food was tasty.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

It's a...first blog

Just getting our own blog to follow the Little Deutsch's through life. Each post will have "It's a..." to fill you in on all the fun going on in our lives. Living the dream...