Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It's a...Trip along the Appalachian Trail

So Christian and Christian (former neighbor) decided to attempt to hike the entire Great Smoky Mountains section of the AT in 24 hours. The attempt was from Davenport Gap to Fontana Dam, 72 miles in 24 hours!
The puppies are ready to go on the trip!
Fueling up before the hike at Mellow Mushroom Pizza in Asheville, NC

Christie and Abby at Davenport Gap ready to drop off C-squared for the trek

Only 72 miles to go... and it's 10:20 pm!

Abby cooking breakfast at the campsite. Getting ready to have the guys meet up with them.

Here is 32 miles into the hike. A little rest stop, then back to the trails!

Nothing like seeing the wives for some good encouragement and lift to the spirits!

Only 41 miles to go here... and still smiling!

Lexi enjoys trips to the forest!

So the end to the adventure is this: Christian and Christian did not make it in 24 hours. They also did not finish at Fontana Dam. Due to the time and many other factors C-squared took a side trail to a campground. They finished 67 miles in 29 hours straight without sleeping! So they came up a couple of miles short and a few hours late but pretty successful overall! The AT is some really intense hiking!

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