Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's a...JourneyLand day!

Christian and I take care of the 2 year olds at church once a month. This is us with some of the little guys and girl...they're so cute! We really enjoy doing this together, but man it really wears us out:)
Giving me a thumbs up...or a pointer finger up, whatever works for Carson:)
So, Christian just happened to change his first diaper today, and I was so proud! I took one of the little boys to the bathroom and when I had come back he had already changed and redressed the other little boy!! All by himself! I didn't even know he knew how to do that!
Little Jadyn..growing up so fast! He was so hungry he couldn't even wait for real food..he kept trying to eat the plastic ones!
Seriously, Christian is going to be such a good daddy one day..the kids love him and want him to play with and hold them. One little boy was crying when he first came in and wanted his mommy, but as soon as Christian calmed him down, he was immediately attached to him. The little boy wouldn't even look at me!!


Perry and Carol said...

So much's good training.....I'm sure you'll both be wonderful parents some day.

L.Russ said...

you guys are so cute! Check out our blog. You've inspired me. I need your email in order to invite you! Laura