Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow in Augusta...seriously

Look at the snow. I started taking pictures when it started because I just didn't know how long it would last. Read on, it is hard to believe, remember, Augusta, GA.
The dogs have never seen snow. As soon as it started to accumulate we took them out to play in it.

The dogs were having fun, but later they would really play in the snow.

We decided to go to the movies, this was what it looked like on our way there.
When we got back from the movies, a little bit of snow had fallen!
We decided to get in our snow outfits and take the dogs over to the park. They have never really seen snow. Here they are running around. Look at how deep the snow is!

When we got back from the park it had pretty much stopped snowing so I went to measure how much snow we got. Over 6 inches!!!
Our neighborhood street, crazy!
This is the next morning. The snow is still there but it is supposed to be 45 degrees, so bye bye snow.
Here is our pretty house with snow all over it. This is the first time after living here over 4 years that we have seen snow and Augusta natives said they hadn't seen this much snow in over 10 years!

1 comment:

mom said...

holy smokers....look at all that's beautiful