Tuesday, January 4, 2011

5 years!

Wow, December 31st, 2010 was our 5th anniversary! We had such a great day together sleeping in, long walk with the doggies, and out to a great dinner at Bonefish(thanks Mom and Pop!)...we reminisced about our wedding and about all that we've experienced together in the past 5 years...we're so blessed to have each other and are so excited(and a bit nervous) about our little girl coming in 4 weeks:) Thank you, Jesus, for bringing us through ups and downs and growing us stronger each year we're together. You are our center and it is by You that we are made complete...
Christian surprised me, I mean REALLY SURPRISED me, with these beautiful amethyst earrings...how lucky am I! We usually don't buy each other anniversary gifts and are completely satisfied with just hanging out together for the night, but then I got these this year! How cool...I've never had REAL earrings before:) He did so good picking these out...what a sweetheart!

1 comment:

Perry and Carol said...

Was looking at your beautiful wedding pictures just yesterday. The first five were pretty easy, huh?? The earrings are just perfect..good job Christian..... can't go wrong with jewelry, your Pop knows that!! Love, Mom